(Finished)Announcement of the mini-seminar ” How to make your article Open Access ~ Read + Publish Agreement”
Kanazawa University will enter into Read + Publish agreements with four publishers (Springer-Nature, Wiley, ACS, and Elsevier) in 2025.When a faculty member, staff member, or graduate student of the University is accepted by a contracted journal as a corresponding author, the University will waive a portion of the article processing charges (APC) on a first-come, first-served basis, up to the annual publication limit set by each contract.
For this seminar, we will have a guest speaker from three publisher who will give a lecture on recent trends in open access and the specific steps to take when publishing an Open Access.
We welcome the participation of not only those who plan to submit papers, but also faculty, staff, and graduate students who are interested in Open Access.
①Wiley Wed. Jan.22, 16:30-17:00 https://wiley.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MhptVaHsQ5KCJSbulIjr7w (Until Jan.21)
②ACS Tue. Jan.28, 16:30-17:00 https://connect.acspubs.org/KanazawaRPJan25(Until Jan.27)
③Springer-Nature Wed. Jan.29, 16:30-17:00 https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_bd404jFGQ1KBBLeP58gXfA(Until Jan.28)
*A recording will be made available to the public on campus at a later date
2.Participants:Kanazawa University faculty, staff and graduate students
3.Content :
① Overview of OA and OA support provided by our university library
② The author's process
③ How to find subscription journals
④ Question and Answer Session
*Language: Japanese(Wiley and Springer-Nature have simultaneous translation features on Zoom)
①This seminar is not intended to recommend submissions to any particular publisher.
②For more information about the library's open access support, please see the website.
Contact: Kanazawa University Library
E-mail: johokikaku-kafuku@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp