Directions to the Natural Science and Technology Library


This is the route from the bus stop “Kanazawa University Shizenken-mae” to “Kanazawa University Natural Science and Technology library”.
For the root detail from “M partking area”, see the PDF file on the right.

SATURDAY, SUNDAY and HOLIDAY route is here.


Get off at the bus stop “Kanazawa University Shizenken-mae”.

Enter the Natural Science and Technology Main Hall.

Go in and turn right. This is the G1 floor. The library is two floors up, on the first floor.

Follow the arrows to the elevator and stairs.

Use the elevator or stairs to go up to the first floor.

Proceed in the direction of the arrow.

The entrance is on the right at the end of the corridor. It is an automatic door.

You have arrived at the library.

Push open the gate to enter.



On Saturday, you cannot enter from the Main Entrance. Please enter from the North entrance. Go further.

Turn left as indicated by the arrow.

Turn left as indicated by the arrow.

You can enter from the North Entrance.

Turn left as indicated by the arrow.

Use the elevator or stairs to go up to the first floor.

Proceed in the direction of the arrow.

The entrance is on the right at the end of the corridor. It is an automatic door.

You have arrived at the library.

Push open the gate to enter.