(2/18~3/10)Trial reading service of EBSCO eBook

The library will provide EBSCO eBook trial reading service as follows:

As part of the 2024 University Internationalization Support Project, we aim to increase the selection of foreign books available to Japanese and international students in multicultural co-learning courses (compulsory courses) taught in foreign languages, primarily English.


【About the trial reading service of EBSCO eBook】

Participants can freely browse approximately 320,000 e-book titles from fifth collections, mainly academic books published by overseas publishers, and purchase titles selected based on requests and usage during the period.



February 18th (Tue.) - March 10th (Mon.), 2025


【How to Use】

① Access  https://search.ebscohost.com  *Available from within the campus.

② Select “eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)” on the Select Resource screen.

③ Search by keyword, title, etc.

Recommended: Search by publication year, etc., and narrow down your search by

subject and category.

④ Complete the request form.  https://library.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/?p=50496



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Academic Information Division、General Affairs Department、


Tel  :264-5217