Discounts and other information on APC (Article processing charge)

Members of the University may be eligible for APC discounts and other benefits for submitting papers for Open Access. Please check the terms and conditions before using this service.

Journal Details remaining number How to use

Elsevier ScienceDirect


:25 (first-come-first-served basis)


 Period: April 2024~March 2025


① (Responsible author) If you wish to make it OA, select “Gold OpenAccess” in the paper submission system → OA

② Confirmation of contribution budget (library → author → library)

③ Approval (library)

*If there is no available budget, the corresponding author will be required to pay the entire APC fee, so if you are concerned, please contact the library in advance.


Click here for details (on-campus only)

Springer Compact



:Remaining number will be released after April (first-come-first-served basis)


 Period: January~December 2024



 ①(Responsible author) Register affiliation information on the system

 ②(Library) Confirms that the paper meets the requirements for OA publication, and confirms with the responsible author whether or not he/she intends to publish the paper and whether or not he/she has the budget.
 ③(Responsible author) Reply to the Library within one business 3 day on whether or not Open Access publication is possible (and if possible, the budget code to be spent).
 ④(Library) Approval procedure for OA publication.Contact the treasurer of the department to which the corresponding author belongs, and transfer the budget.


 Click here for details (on-campus only)


Final update date: July 8, 2024
Contact: Journal and Electronic Information Section inzassi[at]