How to search

How to search for academic resources

 Look up key words

ジャパンナレッジLib /
JapanKnowledge Lib
Japanese encyclopedias and dictionaries.

 Search for books or journals

金沢大学附属図書館 蔵書検索 OPAC plus /
Kanazawa Univ. Lib. OPAC plus
Books and journals Kanazawa University holds and articles Kanazawa University faculty members wrote.
→Introduction Video
  Let’s use OPAC plus !
石川県内図書館横断検索 /
Integrated search of libraries in Ishikawa Prefecture
Search books held by libraries in Ishikawa prefecture
CiNii Books Search books and journals held by libraries in Japan
国文学研究資料館 電子資料館/
The National Institute of Japanese Literature Database
Various databases, such as 「日本古典資料調査データベース」

→  How to search for more books or journals. (Japanese text only)

 Search for journal articles

CiNii Articles Search Japanese journal articles including those available in full text
CiNii Dissertations Search Japanese Dissertations including those available in full text
Scopus Search journal articles, mainly written in English, regarding natural and social sciences.

→ Databases which can be used at Kanazawa University

 Search for newspaper articles

聞蔵II /
Kikuzo II
Search articles from the Asahi Shimbun newspaper
日経テレコン21 /
Nikkei telecom21
Search articles from the Nikkei Shimbun newspaper

→ How to search for more newspapers (Japanese text only)

 Search for statistical data

Portal site for official statistics about Japan, developed by the Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

System for collecting and visualizing big data about industrial structure, population movement, and streams of people, conducted by the Cabinet office. 

Google Chrome is the only supported browser.

いしかわ統計指標ランド Statistical data about Ishikawa Prefecture
金沢市統計データ集 Statistical data about Kanazawa City

 When you want to know how to search…

リサーチナビ /
Research Navi
A portal site for various research by the National Diet Library.
レファレンス共同データベース /
Collaborative Reference Database
A database of reference questions and their answers from Japanese libraries.

 Other databases

Please refer to the search site and database of each academic field.

→ 学問分野別検索サイト (Japanese text only)

Kanazawa University Library holds seminars on writing reports, searching for academic resources, etc.
→ 講習会のお知らせ / Lecture and workshops at the library (Japanese text only)