About KURA

About KURA   Application Form

1. KURA’s objectives

KURAKanazawa University Repository for Academic Resources)is a system that archives and academic achievements (=contents) which have been created by the university’s faculty and graduate students as a result of the various Education and Research activities, and makes these fruits available for public via the Internet in an electronic format.

By making these contents available for public, KURA aims to do the following:

  1. Support the university’s endeavor to fulfill its social responsibilities as a leading university located alongside the Sea of Japan by making its educational and research achievements available to the public.
  2. Fulfill the university’s role as a platform to disseminate academic information through bulletins and other public documents issued by the university.
  3. Contribute to the improvement of international academic communication through continuous self-archiving of author’s final reviewed manuscripts licensed by various foreign publishers.
2. KURA’s content

The following types of content is registered by KURA and made available to the public:

  1. Journal Articles: Papers or reports that our faculty members have authored in external academic journals.
  2. Departmental Bullerin Papers: Bulletins and public documents issued by the university.
  3. Reports: Reports such as COE issued by the university.
  4. Thesis or Dissertations: Dissertations submitted by our students (with the permission of the authors).
  5. Others: We register presentation materials from conventions and academic conferences, pre-prints, experimental data, electronic materials, syllabi, and statistical data.

The papers registered in KURA can also be looked up from The National Institute of Informatics’JAIRO, CiNii, The University of Michigan’s OAISter, and other databases. In addition, since these papers have been crawled by search engines such as Google, they can be searched through them as well.

For inquiries regarding The Kanazawa University Repository for Academic Resources (KURA), please contact:
Periodicals and Electronic Resource Section Information Planning Division Information Department