【お礼】附属図書館利用者アンケート University Library User Questionnaire(2019/7/5~7/25)


Thank you very much for your cooperation in the questionnaire.


The announcement will be notified to the winners by email in August 1st.

(Updated on July 31)



For all undergraduate students, graduate students, and staff




Your feedback will help us to improve our library service. Please participate in the Library User questionnaire.




In order to grasp the awareness and desires of all undergraduate students, graduate students, and staff of Kanazawa University to the library, and to improve library management and services in the future, we conduct a questionnaire survey as follows.



1. 対象者:金沢大学の学生,大学院生,職員

    Target audiences: Kanazawa University students, graduate students, and staff
2. 期間:7月5日(金)~7月25日(木)

    Period: July 5 (Fri)-July 25 (Thu)


3. 抽選で20名様に「ほん和かふぇ。のサンドセットギフト券」または「プラタナスカフェの飲み物&クッキー券」をプレゼント!

    We will offer “The Honwa Cafe Sandwich Set Gift Coupon” or “The platanas Cafe Coupon for drink & Cookie” for 20 people with the lottery systems. 




Please answer/access the questionnaire from the LMS course(Webclass) in the Acanthus portal during the period.



Please choose Japanese version or English version.



There are 34 questions, and it takes about 10 minutes.


プレゼントを希望される場合は, アンケートの最後の設問に氏名,メールアドレス,希望するプレゼントをご記入ください(アンケートを集計する際は匿名にします)。

If you would like to receive a gift, please include your name, email address, and the desired present at the end of the questionnaire. The system will be collected the survey anonymously.



The announcement will be notified to the winners by email in Early August.



Access the questionnaire with the QR-code or the website link below.





・附属図書館 TEL 076-264-5217 E-mail johokikaku-kafuku@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp