You can find newspaper articles you need as follows:
■附属図書館で購読・所蔵している新聞を探す Newspapers subscribed and held by our libraries
You can read today’s newspaper at the Newspaper Browsing Section in our libraries. Earlier newspapers are kept in the Central Library in reduced editions. The originals of the current month will be kept under the reading stand in the Newspaper Browsing Section and the newspapers of the previous month are stored in the stacks.
中央図書館所蔵新聞一覧 = List of newspapers(PDF) | 中央図書館で所蔵している新聞名と保存期間の一覧です。 Here is the list of newspapers that the Central Library keeps and for how long it keeps them. |
■新聞記事をオンラインで探す・読む Online Search for newspaper articles to read
朝日新聞クロスサーチ = Asahi Shimbun Cross-Search |
1879年(明治12年)の創刊号から当日までの朝日新聞の記事を検索できます。【購読・学内のみ・同時アクセス2】 You can search for headlines and texts of the Asahi Shimbun from 1829 to the present day. [On campus use only. Simultaneous access by up to 2 users] |
日経テレコン |
日本経済新聞等の全文データベース【購読・学内のみ・同時アクセス5】 |
デジタル版新聞記事文庫 = Newspaper Article | 神戸大学経済経営研究所が作成した明治末から昭和45年までの新聞切抜資料 “Newspaper Article” is the newspaper-clippings data from the end of Meiji to Showa 45 which was created by Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration in Kobe University, and is called “newspaper-clippings library”. |
SHOSHO ISHIKAWA ふるさとコレクション = SHOSHO ISHIKAWA Furusato collection |
石川県にまつわる資料や新聞・雑誌記事、歴史的公文書などをまとめたコレクション。 SHOSHO ISHIKAWAから本・雑誌・古文書等,石川県立図書館のすべてが検索可能。
The material which concerns Ishikawa , newspaper and the collection which gathered a magazine article and historical official documents. “SHOSHO ISHIKAWA” by which everything of Ishikawa prefectural library is judged. |
■新聞記事をCD-ROM等で探す・読む CD-ROM Search for newspaper articles to read
You can use a PC in the Search Corner of the Central Library to conduct this search.When you look for an article in the past, you may shorten your search time by guessing the date of the article and search for the date in the contents of reduced forms.
朝日新聞戦前紙面データベース | 昭和元年12月~20年12月までの東京本社発行全紙面・号外を当時のままの紙面イメージで収録。掲載記事85万件,広告47万2千件を収録。中央館CD-ROMコーナーで検索可 This holds all pages and extra editions printed by Tokyo Headquarters between December of the first year in the Showa era and December of 1945 in their original form. The number of articles is 850,000 and that of advertisement is 472,000. You can conduct this search at the CD-ROM corner of the Central Library. |
CD-毎日新聞 | 1993年から前年までの毎日新聞の記事の見出しと本文を検索できます。中央館CD-ROMコーナーで検索可 You can search for the Mainichi Shimbun articles and headlines between 1993 and the last year. You can conduct this search at the CD-ROM corner of the Central Library. [Subscriptions] |
明治,大正,昭和戦前,戦後Iの讀売新聞(CD-ROM) |
明治7年11月~昭和35年12月の讀賣新聞の記事の全文を検索できます。原紙のイメージそのままが収録されています。中央館CD-ROMコーナーで検索可 |