




Due to "【35 th Report】Notice on New Coronavirus Infectious Disease", during the period from Jan 17th to 21th 2022, we will close at 5PM, and closed from Jan 22th 2022.





Due to "【34 th Report】Notice on New Coronavirus Infectious Disease", during the period from Jan 11th to 13th 2022, we will close at 5PM.

【第34報】新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する注意事項<重要>/【34 th Report】Notice on New Coronavirus Infectious Disease






For visitor's admission, it is reservation only. If you have a pre-reservation, kindly proceed to the service desk for reception. (Note: Your stay is limited up to one hour, 9a.m. to 3p.m. on weekday only)





学生・教職員を対象に,7月1日(水)以降の学期中は平日 22:00まで,土曜日 10:00-17:00に開館します。開館カレンダー



ONLY for our students/ colleagues, we have reopened in phases from Friday, 19-June, under the anti-COVID measures. It is from Wed. 1-July: During the second semester, the open hour is 8:45 to 22:00 on weekday, 10:00 to 17:00 on Saturday. For the detail, please check the library hour information.






ONLY for our students/ colleagues, we have reopened in phases from Friday, 19-June, under the anti-COVID measures. It is from Fri. 19-June to Tue.30-June, on weekday 8:45 to 17:00.


4月15日(水)から まで6月18日(木)まで全館臨時休館します。
The Libraries will be closed : April 15th to Jun 18th.








•You are required to have your student / staff ID card to enter the library.
•We have reduced the number of seats. Please stay within 90 minutes, in-library. Please refrain from using the service when it is crowded.
•Please do not talk between users in the library.
•G1 floor has been still closed, yet we accept the exceptional use of any group studio or the AV hall on condition.
•Kindly refrain to visit us if you have such as a fever or cold, or you have not returned from overseas or entered Japan for less than 2 weeks.
•Disinfect your hands using an alcohol-based disinfectant equipped at the entrance gate.
•Please wear a mask in-library. When you sneeze or cough, be considerate to do so into a tissue or the crook of your elbow, or to wear a mask.




以下のとおり附属図書館の開館時間及び学修相談の対応方法を変更します 。

(1) 時間外開館



(2) 学修相談





We will shorten our opening hours, and also we will provide LiLA's support only online.

1. Shortened Opening Hours

 We will shorten our opening hours, during the period as bellow,
 *at All library: 17-May, Mon. to 13-Jun, Sun.
 on Monday to Friday, close on 8 p.m. / on Saturday and Sunday, open as usual

 *Depending on the situation, we could extend the period.


2. Learning Support
 We will switch the way providing a learning support from LiLA's face to faceat support in the central library and NST library to the online support, during the period as  bellow,

 Period: 10-May, Mon. to 14-May, Fri.
 Access: Zoom cantact is acceptable from the following URL,


We are sorry for such short notice, but ask your understanding and cooperation.




  • 本日以降、以下のとおり附属図書館の開館時間を変更します。








  • 急なご連絡でご迷惑をおかけしますが,何卒ご理解ご協力のほどよろしくお願いいたします。

    From today, we will shorten our opening hours.

    Shortened Opening Hours
     We will shorten our opening hours, during the period as bellow,
     *at Central library: 10-May, Mon. to 16-May, Sun.
     *at Natural Science and Technology library: 10-May, Mon. to 16-May, Sun.

     *We extend the due date to 21-May, Fri.


     on Monday to Friday, close on 5 p.m. / on Saturday and Sunday, close all day


    We are sorry for such short notice, but ask your understanding and cooperation.



  • 入館日・時間を記録するため,図書館へお越しの際は学生証/職員証を持参ください。
  • 閲覧室の座席を間引いて開放しています。座席数が少ないため,滞在時間は90分以内を目安に,譲り合ってご利用ください。また混雑時は利用をご遠慮ください。
  • 図書館内での利用者同士の会話は原則的に禁止します。
  • 閉鎖中のG1階について,グループスタジオ・AVホールは条件付きで利用可能です。
  • 発熱,だるさ,咳,息苦しさ,その他体調に不安のある方,海外から帰国・入国後2週間を経ていない方の入館はご遠慮ください。
  • 入口に設置してある消毒液で手指を消毒してください。
  • マスク着用,咳エチケットなどにご協力をお願いします。


  • You are required to have your student / staff ID card to enter the library.
  • We have reduced the number of seats. Please stay within 90 minutes, in-library. Please refrain from using the service when it is crowded.
  • Please do not talk between users in the library.
  • G1 floor has been still closed, yet we accept the exceptional use of any group studio or the AV hall on condition.
  • Kindly refrain to visit us if you have such as a fever or cold, or you have not returned from overseas or entered Japan for less than 2 weeks.
  • Disinfect your hands using an alcohol-based disinfectant equipped at the entrance gate.
  • Please wear a mask in-library. When you sneeze or cough, be considerate to do so into a tissue or the crook of your elbow, or to wear a mask.







NST Library will be temporarily closed from 18:00 on November 20 to 23.




  • 入館日・時間を記録するため,図書館へお越しの際は学生証/職員証を持参ください。
  • 閲覧室の座席を間引いて開放しています。混雑時は利用をご遠慮ください。
  • 滞在時間は90分以内を目安にしてください。
  • 図書館内での利用者同士の会話を禁止します。これに伴い,オープンスタジオ,国際交流スタジオ,グループスタジオ,AVホールは利用できません。研究個室も含め,G1Fは当面立入できません。
  • 発熱,だるさ,咳,息苦しさ,その他体調に不安のある方,海外から帰国・入国後2週間を経ていない方の入館はご遠慮ください。
  • 入口に設置してある消毒液で手指を消毒してください。
  • 対面でのマスク着用,咳エチケットなどにご協力をお願いします。


  • You are required to have your student / staff ID card to enter the library.
  • We have reduced the number of seats. Please refrain from using the service when it is crowded.
  • Please stay within 90 minutes, in-libary.
  • Please do not talk between users in the library. Open Studio, Global Communication Studio, Group Studio, and AV Hall are not available.

    Including study rooms, the entire G1 (basement first) floor is closed for a while.

  • Kindly refrain to visit us if you have such as a fever or cold, and you have not returned from overseas or entered Japan for less than 2 weeks.
  • Disinfect your hands using an alcohol-based disinfectant equipped at the entrance gate.
  • When you sneeze or cough, be considerate to do so into a tissue or the crook of your elbow, or to wear a mask.








1. 【教員の方へ】図書購入依頼:継続,ILL(文献複写・図書貸借)サービス:継続

2. 【学生の方へ】ILL(図書貸借)サービス

借用については引き続き6月18日(木)まで一時停止します。依頼はできますが,対応は原則臨時休館終了後となります。【5/20 New】


3. 【教員の方/学生の方へ】現在依頼中のILLサービス


4.【教員の方/学生の方へ】 ILLサービスで借用している資料の返却


5.【教員の方/学生の方へ】返却期限日を6/23(火)に延長します(延滞者及び3/31が返却期限日だった資料を除く。なお,在籍期限が優先されます)。【5/20 New】


6. 【教員の方へ】教育・研究用に貸出/閲覧を希望される方は個別にご相談ください(nst-lib@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp)。【5/20 New】




7. 【学類生,大学院生及び指導教員の方へ】【5/20New】





8. 【教員の方/学生の方へ】オンラインで利用できる資料をご利用ください。いくつかのサービスについてはアクセス数を増やして提供しています。

データベース https://library.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/?page_id=18293

電子ブック  金沢大学蔵書検索システム タイトル検索してください

丸善ebook Library

電子ジャーナル https://library.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/?page_id=18287



【2020/6/1】The Libraries will be closed : April 15th to June 18th.

It is from Thu. 19-June to Tue.30-June, on weekday 8:45 to 17:00, for our students and colleagues ONLY. Visitors are not allowed to enter yet.

1. 【for faculty staff members】Book purchase requests and ILL services will continue for the time being.Please note that it takes time to respond.


2. 【for faculty student】【5/20 New】ILL services will be suspended until 18th Jun.


3. 【for faculty staff members/student】Regarding how to receive the ILL materials you are requesting, we will contact you individually.


4. 【for faculty staff members/student】Regarding how to return the ILL materials you borrow now, please return it to the book-post of each library.


5. 【for faculty staff members/student】【5/20 New】We extend the due date to June 23.

It is except for which had been overdue before March 23 already, or which due date was on March 31.


6. 【for faculty staff members】If you need materials in the library to create materials for the class, please contact us(nst-lib@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp).Please note that it takes time to respond.


7. 【Attn. students, graduate students, and their advisors】【5/20 New】When you would like to have library services for your research or theses, ask your advisors to apply in advance.

Please use the following application form. We also accept e-mail applications as long as it includes enough information.

Application form is here.


8. 【for faculty staff members/student】Please use the online materials. We are increasing the number of accesses for some services.

Databases https://library.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/?page_id=18293

E-Books Please search in OPAC Plus 

E-Journals https://library.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/?page_id=18287

Use from off campus




  1. 閲覧室の座席数を一部減らしています。混雑時は利用をご遠慮ください。
  2. 図書室内での利用者同士の会話を禁止します。
  3. 発熱,だるさ,咳,息苦しさ,その他体調に不安のある方,海外から帰国・入国後2週間を経ていない方の入室はご遠慮ください。
  4. 入口に設置してある消毒液で手指を消毒してください。マスク着用,咳エチケットなどにご協力をお願いします。


  1. 新入生の方は,学生証が配付されるまでは,氏名と所属等を確認した上で,貸出を行います。
  2. 返却期限が3/23(月)~4/21(火)までの図書の返却期限日を4/22(水)に延長します。







自然科学系図書館では,現在「事前に予約された方のみ,平日開館日の15時までに限って,1日1回 1時間以内で」利用(入館)可能です。

※学期末試験対応期間中等,混雑する時期(令和3年:4/5~4/16,5/21~6/3,7/19~8/6,10/8, 11/18~12/1,令和4年:1/14, 1/21~2/14, 2/24)は予約を受け付けません。






 [利用可能時間]開館日の平日 9:00-15:00(入館は14:00まで)





 ・2週間以内に新型コロナウイルスまん延防⽌等重点措置実施区域,緊急事態措置実施区域(石川県を除く)に滞在歴がある方  (金沢大学認定の地域)








 ■予約フォーム  ※平日16時半以降または土・日・祝日および休館日の申込は,翌開館日(平日)の受付となります。必ず確認してください。開館カレンダー



  電話: 076-264-6554 (平日開館日の9:00~16:30のみ受付)



















  1. 当面の間,附属図書館への入館をご遠慮ください。
  2. 3月11日付で貸出中図書の返却期限日を12月4日(金)に再延長します(延滞者を除く)。                                           ※可能な限り,図書館外のブックポストへの返却,または郵送での返却をお願いします。                                           ※本学学生・教員から当該図書の利用申し込みがあった場合は別途相談させていただきます。
  3. 貸出中図書を返却いただく際は図書館外のブックポストをご利用ください。
    (平日9時~17 076-264-6554)





  1. 当面の間,附属図書館への入館をご遠慮ください。
  2. 3月11日付で貸出中図書の返却期限日を10月5日(月)に再延長します(延滞者を除く)。
  3. 貸出中図書を返却いただく際は図書館外のブックポストをご利用ください。
    (平日9時~17 076-264-6554)






  1. 当面の間,附属図書館への入館をご遠慮ください。
  2. 3月11日付で貸出中図書の返却期限日を8月3日(月)に再延長します(延滞者を除く)。
  3. 貸出中図書を返却いただく際は図書館外のブックポストをご利用ください。
    (平日9時~17 076-264-6554)




■Visitor Entrance Restriction

 As one of prevention mesures against 'Coronavirus Disease 2019', the university administration has decided to restrict visitors entrance to library from 2nd March. We will   keep the measure for a while.


 *Regarding to the annual user registration, we would accept the renewal application once the entrance restriction is lifted.

 We appreciate for your kind understanding.



■For students/colleague of Kanazawa university

[Notice on Measures of the preventing the spread of infection]

  1. We have reduced the number of seats.Please refrain from using the service when it is crowded.
  2. Please do not talk between users in the library. Learning Commons area is not available.
  3. Kindly refrain to visit us if you have such as a fever or cold, and you have not returned from overseas or entered Japan for less than 2 weeks.
  4. Disinfect your hands using an alcohol-based disinfectant equipped at the entrance gate.
  5. Wear a mask, and when you sneeze or cough, do so into a tissue or the crook of your elbow.

[Notice on the due date extension and the lending books to new students]

  1. When we lend books to new students we would confirm their name and faculty. It is continue till they receive student ID cards.
  2. We extend the due date to Wednesday, April 22, of which due date is between Monday, March 23 to Tuesday, April 21.It is except for which had been overdue before March 23 already, or which due date was on March 31, 2020.
■Visitor Entrance Restriction

As one of prevention mesures against 'Coronavirus Disease 2019', the university administration has decided to restrict visitors entrance to library from 2nd March. We will keep the measure for a while.


*Regarding to the annual user registration, we would accept the renewal application once the entrance restriction is lifted.

We appreciate for your kind understanding.