(11/9)EU講演会を開催します/We hold EU lecture

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金沢大学EU情報センター(中央図書館内)では,EU情報センター講演会として,ドイツ連邦共和国広報文化担当公使 ローベルト・フォン・リムシャ氏をお迎えし,



日時:平成27年11月9日(月) 10:30~11:30
場所:中央図書館3階 AV室
使用言語: ドイツ語(日本語通訳あり)


[主催:金沢大学EU情報センター / 共催:石川EU協会, 金沢大学人間社会学域国際学類] 


Kanazawa University Library as EU Information Center cordially invites you to attend an open lecture by Robert Von Rimscha, Minister of Cultura Affairs and Communication, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany.
 Detail of the lecture as follows:

Title: “Deutschland: From the End of World War II until now”
Guest Speaker: Robert von Rimscha 
(Minister of Cultural Affairs and Communication, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany)

Date/Time: 2015/11/09 (Monday), 10:30-11:30
Place: Kanazawa University Central Library, third floor, AV Room
 Language: Germany (Japanese simultaneous interpretation will be provided)

 This will be an opportunity for any students who are interested to listen the lecture in Germany, feel free to join the lecture.

 [Organized by Kanazawa University, EU Information Center]
 [Supported by Ishikawa-EU Association and Kanazawa University, College of Human and Social Sciences, School of International Studies]

 Best Regards,​