(7/26)) 日本の民話「紙芝居」ショー 【LeCIS自主企画】/ Kamishibai Show

[Scroll down for English version, please!]


日本人学生も参加OK! 留学生と一緒に昔ながらの紙芝居を楽しみましょう!

日本の民話~紙芝居ショー 「つるのおんがえし」

日時: 2016年726日( 17001730
場所: 中央図書館3F  国際交流スタジオ

対象全学生,特に留学生向け  (予約不要・参加無料)
読み手 鎌田朝子 (LeCIS)  人間社会環境研究科国際学専攻博士前期課程1

中央図書館係 TEL: 076-264-5211

                Email: etsuran@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

We'd like to make the place where international students can learn Japanese and Japanese culture happily!  
So a LeCIS member performs a picture-story show, "kamishibai" this time.
Not only international students but also Japanese students can participate in it.
Let's enjoy a kamishibai together!
The Japanese Falktales  ~Kamishibai Show~
 "The Grateful Crane" (Tsuru no ongaeshi)

Date:  26th Jul.Tue.17:00~17:30
Venue: Central Library 3F, Global Communication Studio 
*No reservation required, feel free to join this event!
Storyteller: Ms. Asako Kamada, LeCIS
The story will be performed in Japanese and English.

Contact us:
Central Library Office
TEL: 076-264-5211